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Pray, Think, Act is a great opportunity to build community! We’ll be gathering at 5:30 in Kem Hall for an interactive Eucharist, grabbing a plate at a potluck dinner at 6:00, and then choosing our own adventure: confirmation class (reach out to the office if you are interested!), Bible discussion (no prep required!), or socializing with friends. We’ll wrap up our evening by 7:00. Mark your calendars and plan to join us!

Jan 29, Feb 12 & 26, Mar 05 & 26, Apr 09 & 23, May 14


Convinced of God's grace, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church affirms that there can be no exclusiveness in the body of Christ. We welcome all, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, gender, ability, culture, socioeconomic standing, education, family configuration, military status, or political perspective; and we encourage the full participation of all in the

life of our congregation.

Our Shared Vision

Saint Andrew’s is a vibrant

community of faith striving to

provide a nurturing spiritual home for all, embracing God’s desire

for justice in the world.

Mission Trans.png
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